Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's not passing fast enough....

Water thing is working on fridge, miraculously.
Back is better, thanks to now 2 visits to chiropractor.
Leak quit in washing machine.
For a week and a half.
Started again yesterday.
Discovered location today after dismantling it a bit.
Replacement and another cha-ching coming up. My Dave Ramsey Emergency Fund only goes so far!!

God is still on His throne. And He gives me the strength for all things.

I've determined I'm not in a storm, though. That would be obvious, and would require a great amount of sudden strength to persevere through.
No, I'm likening this more to Chinese Water Torture, where they drip drip drip water on your face until you lose it.
Not as heavy as a storm. Just a little bit, here and there.
Until you lose it.
Lord, help me to not lose it! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Signs of you know you're getting older...

When your "baby girl" (ok, so she's not THE baby, but she's still my baby!) goes on her first babysitting job.
I remember babysitting.
I still feel like I'm babysitting sometimes, but without pay.
And off she went.
Sniff. It's another step to letting go, isn't it?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Review:Women of Faith Worship Rejoice CD

The Rejoice Cd from Women of Faith is a wonderful blend of mellow and upbeat. It’s one I will enjoy listening to as I get ready for Sunday morning church, or anytime I want to start focusing on a time with the Lord. I loved how each song is a song from me to Him. It is truly a worship collection of music. And it’s a mix of songs both new to me and ones I already love and know – so I am able to just listen and worship, or I can join in at times and sing praises to the King. It’s good! Not to mention - these ladies sound beautiful together! They have managed to bring their talents from the stage, and place them in a recording studio in such a way that you still sense they are worshiping while they sing. In saying that, I will note that it IS a recording – this is not a live performance, so the quality is going to be better, but without the excitement sometimes generated in a live performance. Also, know that it is just the music – in a live performance you would sometimes have “talking” parts where they may introduce the song; since this is just a recorded version of their songs, it does not include that. The only comment possibly against is it may not be appreciated by all age groups. The younger generation tends to lean to a different style than what I believe this brings. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Monday, May 9, 2011


I feel like I need to start tracking the mishaps, so that one day I can look back and say - yes, we lived through it.
First, it started with..well, I suppose officially the roof. We finally got it replaced in October, but the bill didn't come until.... last month.
About the same time as a tax bill more than low income people make in a year.
And all in the midst of that, the dishwasher broke. Right before we were expecting our entire family for a weekend stay.
Since then.... Big Daddy has had a random building piece fly off the building next to his and slam his truck hood. $1K in damages.
He also backed into my car.
Another $1K in damages.
And that happened while building garden boxes at a friend's house, in an effort to begin the gardening process and grow some vegetables to save us money...not sure it will save us the $1K the truck will cost (thankfully no damage to my car!!)
Today my washing machine (only 2 years old, and one of the newer front models) developed a leak.
The water machine part of the fridge isn't working.
I DID get a new dishwasher, but that happened after I tried to take out the old one and sprung a leak and had to get Big Daddy home FAST.
Then he and a friend spent the whole day working on it, instead of us getting the garden finished.
So Mother's Day was spent doing that.
And I threw my back out today - probably a result of the gardening, and then the wriggling around trying to find the washer leak.

Anymore, I just laugh. And cling to the promise... "And it pass." Lord, let it pass quick!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We Be Big Review

We Be Big: The Mostly True Story of How We Became Rick and Bubba by Rick Burgess, Bill Bussey, and Don Keith

I recently got started on a book reviewer site, and this was my first pick - I am thrilled to report I was not disappointed. If you have never heard of Rick & Bubba's radio show, you will be a fan of it by the end of this book - and that's without ever listening to the product that made them Big. If you compared We Be Big to classic literature...well, that would be like comparing a work of the The Bard himself to Rick & Bubba's own Good Ol' Boys Theater. That being said, We Be Big reads exactly as I imagine their show to be - a little confusing until you get to know them, but as you travel the journey you find yourself laughing & smiling quite a bit, crying just a bit, and in the end, thankful for two guys who are just doing what God has called them to do, and that you got the chance to see a glimpse of it and be a part of their lives in the process.