Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Christian Encounters:J.R.R. Tolkien

The Christian Encounters:J.R.R. Tolkien by Mark Horne is a short, easy to read in an afternoon book. It gives a through overview of the life of Tolkien, without dwelling too long on any one area. A unique feature is that it ties in the potential and real relationship of Tolkien’s life to that of his storylines in his most famous publications, The Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings. Most of the information appears to be drawn from several previously written biographies, but there is a bit of speculation throughout by the author himself. The end, following Tolkien’s death, is a little bit too much of a commentary in relating his influence on the more modern fantasy stories such as Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons; and while that may be true, given the controversy of those stories within the Christian realm, I think a few more references may be appreciated. I did enjoy learning more of his relationship to CS Lewis, however. Having personally read both of Tolkien’s most famous stories, but never a published account of Tolkien’s life, I found this book to be a wonderful insight, and enjoyed knowing more of his Christian background and how it may have played into his stories. This is also a great reference for young people who may just now be discovering the wonderful world of the shires.

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